October 22, 2017

Our God Reigns

Passage: Isaiah 45:1–7
Service Type:

Sermon prepared by the Holy Spirit and Pastor Andrew T. Okai
20th Sunday after Pentecost
October 22, 2017
Sermon text: Isaiah 45:1–7
Sermon Theme: Our God Reigns

Grace, mercy, and peace...

One of the many reasons we have so many religions and divisions around the world today is that for a long time man has been trying to make sense of a God who in their mind doesn’t seem to be making sense at all.

Questions people ask

  • How can Jesus be God?
  • How can God be born of a woman?
  • How can there be three personalities in one God?
  • Who made God?
  • Why is God always in the affairs of man?

And in our effort to make sense of God we get ourselves trapped in the middle of our own ideas. When the question we ask doesn’t seem to have a rational answer, we conclude one of these things:

  • A Polytheistic view of God—we create our own gods.
  • An Atheistic view of God—there is no God.

But the human mind is too small to contain God in all his greatness and fullness. Since our minds are too small to comprehend him, he asks us to trust him.

Trusting God
Background to our text: The Babylonians had taken Israel into captivity and destroyed their temple. They felt abandoned by God, but they also knew that it was because of their own choosing.

Not long after that, the Babylonians were conquered by the Persian Empire under King Cyrus (the Israelites moved from one bondage to another).

The Israelites found themselves in two terrible conditions:

  • Hopelessness (without God)
  • Helplessness (they could not help themselves)

These are the same two conditions that everyone who is without God experiences today.

God’s Power
It was in this dilemma that God stepped in and through the prophet Isaiah announced to Israel his plans to deliver them—Here we find God in his sovereignty demonstrating to Israel the extent of his power.

This suggests s is that our God is too great to be limited in his actions in any given situation.

You may be going through some not so good experience right; my advice is to trust God with it.